Stergios A. Polyzos

Stergios A. Polyzos, MD, MSc, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pharmacology-Research Methodology,                  First Laboratory of Pharmacology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

Contact details
Telephone:+30 2310.999.316
Email: spolyzos(@)


Stergios A. Polyzos received his B.Sc. in Medicine (1996) from the Faculty of Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (AUTh), and in Pedagogical and Teaching (2002) from the School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (SELETE) of Thessaloniki, Greece. He received his M.Sc. (Medical Research Technology; 2004) and his Ph.D (2012) from the Faculty of Medicine of AUTh. He completed his specialization in Endocrinology at Endocrine Clinic of Ippokration Hospital, Thessaloniki (2008) and, since then, he has been working as Endocrinologist at Thessaloniki.

He worked as Research Assistant at Faculty of Medicine of AUTh (2008-2014 and 2016-2017) and as Research Scholar at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center, Harvard Medical School (Boston, USA; 2014). He currently works as Assistant Professor of Pharmacology–Medical Research Methodology at the First Department of Pharmacology, Faculty of Medicine, AUTh, Greece.

He has contributed to pre-graduate education of the Faculty of Medicine (AUTh) in “Endocrinology, Diabetes and Metabolism” (2007-2013), “Pharmacology” (since 2016) and “Clinical Pharmacology” (2016-2017). He has also contributed to post-graduate education of four Masters (M.Sc.): “Medical Research Technology” (Faculty of Medicine, AUTh, since 2011), “Medical Research Methodology” (Faculty of Medicine, AUTh, since 2016), “Clinical and Industrial Pharmacology” (Faculty of Medicine, AUTh, 2016-2017) and “Research in Female Reproduction” (Faculty of Medicine, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, since 2018).

Stergios A. Polyzos has published over 300 full-length articles in peer-reviewed international medical journals. He currently serves as Associate Editor in “Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental”, as Associate Editor in “Hormones” and as Reviewer in more than 70 international medical journals. He also served as Academic Editor in “Medicine” (2014-2016) and as Guest Editor of six Special Issues in the journals: “Metabolism, Clinical and Experimental”, “Current Medicinal Chemistry” and “Minerva Endocrinologica”.