Aris Liakos

Resident in Internal Medicine, MD, MSc Doctoral Research Fellow

Contact details
Email: arliakos(@)


Aris Liakos primarily qualified as a doctor in 2012 from Aristotle University Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece achieving the third highest admission score in the national central examination process. In 2010 during his undergraduate studies he attended classes as visiting student at Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, Germany. In 2014 he also obtained an MSc degree in Medical Research Methodology with high grades from Aristotle University Thessaloniki supported by a post-graduate scholarship from the State Scholarships Foundation, Athens, Greece. Since 2012 he has been working as a research fellow at Clinical Research & Evidence-Based Medicine Unit, Aristotle University Thessaloniki. He has developed strong quantitative skills in evidence synthesis of healthcare interventions including multiple treatment comparisons and diagnostic test accuracy studies and has also co-authored several articles published in high impact factor journals. He also received formal trainining in the design and statistical analysis of clinical trials from the Primary Care Clinical Trials Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK. Dr. Liakos supports the unit’s local REDCapTM platform and successfully coordinated a multicentre, investigator-initiated randomised controlled trial as part of his PhD degree in the field of Diabetes (Grade: Excellent with Distinction). He teaches a number of courses at a post-graduate level including Evidence Based-Medicine, Clinical Research Methodology, How to write a paper, Clinical trials and Systematic Review and Meta-analysis and has been honoured with prizes for excellence in teaching. Currently, he works as a Resident in Internal Medicine at Ippokratio General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece teaching undergraduate students at the bedside with emphasis on clinical skills.