Andreas L. Symeonidis

Associate Professor in Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


Contact details
Telephone: +30 23109 94344
Email: asymeon(@)


Dr. Andreas Symeonidis is an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. His include Software analytics, Knowledge extraction from big data repositories, Automated Software Engineering and Middleware Robotics. His work has been published in over 100 papers, book chapters, and conference publications and is co-author of the books “Agent Intelligence through Data Mining” (ISBN: 0-387-24352-6) and “Practical Machine Learning in R” (Leanpub). He has been involved in many EU-funded and National-funded R&D projects and has been Project Coordinator of the S-CASE (FP7-ICT-610717) and RAPP (FP7-ICT-610947) projects. More at: